People who know me best know that I am 1000% honest. Honesty is one of my biggest pet peeves. You better be honest with me always. I will be honest with you. Always. It's just not something I bend on. Have I told little white lies that don't hurt anyone? Of course! We all do that to protect a person's feelings. (For example: "No, my friend... I don't think you've looked like you've gained weight!") That's different than being dishonest about a serious situation or about something that is meaningful. However, I'm amazed at the grown people that just can't handle the truth. Dish out a little bit of truth and they get all defensive and claim to feel victimized by what they are hearing. Maybe if you can't handle the truth, you are the problem. Maybe that means you are wrong. Maybe that means you should look at yourself and reassess. If the truth offends you, then you are the one with issues. Sorry. That's just the way it is. I don't want to be associated with people who can't accept the truth, but want to put their own spin on it. That was pretty short and sweet, but in need of being said today. And yes, I have images..Always! :)

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